
Web Portal feedback wanted!

Attention, islanders! Today, significant changes have been introduced to the design of the Web Portal, and we would really appreciate your feedback! ✨

Here’s the list of changes:

🔹 Now, there’s a brand new animated art on the Web Portal’s front page;

🔹 The menu design and button layout were changed;

🔹 The size of the game window was greatly increased.

❓ What do you think of the new design, friends? Do you like the background art? Is the new button layout easy to use for you? Is it comfortable to play Taonga with a bigger game window? Does everything work correctly?

💡 Feel free to share your opinions with the support team! Contact us by clicking the “Support” button at the top of the page with the game open.

You can also submit the message via the direct link.

If you use Facebook, you can share your impressions in the comments under the announcement post or by contacting the fan page admins through direct messages.

Thank you for being with us, islanders! ⛵