
New adventure!


A gift for travelers!

🎁 >> bit.ly/3nAakRj

Rachel has decided to master yet another new craft! This time, the beauty expert and fashion designer has decided to brew her own cocktails.

Accompany Rachel to the Island of the Vineyards, and together, you can concoct a recipe for the best mulled cocktail ever!

ATTENTION: This is a limited-time adventure!

• Your first visit to the Island of the Vineyards must be before December 6, 11:59 p.m. PST (Pacific Standard Time).

• The Island of the Vineyards will be available for 14 days after the first travel.

Come discuss this island in our Facebook community!

Don't have a Facebook account? Check out the info on the main rewards here.

P.S. You can claim your gift before November 24, 11:59 p.m. PST (Pacific Standard Time).