
New contest!

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How do you usually celebrate St. Valentine’s Day, islanders? We’re absolutely sure such a sweet day should even start perfectly! How about pleasing your loved ones with a delicious meal and taking part in a contest at the same time? 💗 Here are the rules:

💝 Cook breakfast and use your imagination – the more romantic the breakfast is, the better!

💝 Take 2 photos 📷 : one – in the process of making breakfast, and the other showing the final result.

💝 The "Taonga"🌴 logo must be visible in both pictures – it can either be drawn on a piece of paper or simply printed out. It doesn't have to be a precise copy – an outline is enough.

💝 Leave both photos in the contest group (Discussion -> Add a Post). Make sure to add a short description of your work and your neighbor key as well!

And here are the prizes that are waiting for you:

🏆 1st place winners: 1500 diamonds and 300 energy.

🏆 2nd place winners: 1200 diamonds and 200 energy.

🏆 3d place winners: 1000 diamonds and 150 energy.

🎁 And the islanders who will meet the requirements will receive 600 diamonds 💎 and 50 energy ⚡️ for taking part in the contest.

Entries submission deadline is February 18, 11:59 p.m. PST (Pacific Standard Time). 🕰️

The winners will be announced within a week after the contest finishes.