
New adventure!


A gift for travelers!

🎁 >> https://bit.ly/3zwzsfi

Suleiman has just received a letter from his nephew, and every line of it is filled with the agony of a broken heart. The best merchant of the archipelago, knowing everything about the matters of love cannot just dismiss it like that!

Travel to the Island of the Mandarin Grove along with Suleiman and help Keanu find his happiness!

ATTENTION! This is a limited-time adventure!

• Your first visit to the Island of the Mandarin Grove must be before October 5, 12:59 a.m. PDT (Pacific Daylight Time).

• The Island of the Mandarin Grove will be available for 14 days after the first travel.

Come discuss this adventure in our Facebook community!

Don't have a Facebook account? Check out the description of the main reward here.

P.S. You can claim your gift before September 23, 12:59 a.m. PDT (Pacific Daylight Time).